The Origin and Growth of the British Athleticism in the 19th century 인문 · 사회과학편 : 19C 영국(英國) Athleticism의 출현과 성장 배경
하남길NamGilHa , 오동섭GongSoubOh
34(3) 7-20, 1995
The Origin and Growth of the British Athleticism in the 19th century 인문 · 사회과학편 : 19C 영국(英國) Athleticism의 출현과 성장 배경
하남길NamGilHa , 오동섭GongSoubOh
The English public Schools and Oxbridge of the late nineteenth century have been posited a contributing to teaching the world to play organized games, From 1850 onwards, games were purposefully and deliberately assimilated into the formal curriculum of the public schools such as Marlborough. Uppingham: suitable facilities were constructed, with headmasters insisting on pupil involvement. The ideology of the diffusion of an innovation was athleticism that means the worship of the athlete with its attendant deification of success. In this article, I have attempted to trace the origins and growth of athleticism in the 19th century.
British games had grown beyond the embryonic stage by 1800 and the games were for the most part disapproved of by masters, although public schools which organized games begin to appear early in the nineteenth century. From 1850, games were assimilated into the formal curriculum of the public schools. By the end of the nineteenth century athleticism was to marshal a coherent set of educational arguments for its existence and become the hallmark of an acceptable public school.
Its evolution is analogous with the formation of an river: its sources were minor tributaries: its main force is a broad stream. From the mind-nineteenth century, some public schools - Marlborough, Harrow etc - introduced game into the formal curriculum and Headmasters preached the virtues of games for developing sound character, but the principle motive in introducing games was to be founded in the disciplinary problems that faced them: poaching, trespassing, rebellion and general lawlessness, Early in the nineteenth century public school master faced with the control of their schools. There took place an struggle between masters and boys, in which neither party was able to establish permanent and effective dominance, As a result, there gradually emerged games as a formal educational activity. The origins of athleticism lay in the utilization of games as a form of social control. An ideology relating to them was born, not because of the nobility that supposedly arouse from the action, but because an argument made an action acceptable.
The growth and spread of athleticism in educational system in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was facilitated by two factors: a high degree of structural conduciveness between the public schools and Oxbridge and a circular casuality. During the Second World War public school Old Boys went on to Oxbridge, whereas public school masters were recruited almost exclusively from Oxbridge. In general, sports historians of Korea have overlooked the role of universities in development and diffusion of organized games in the British public schools. The truth of the matter is this; while the public schools were important to the initial development of organized games at Oxbridge until approximately 1860, Oxbridge played an important role in the consolidation of organized games and their underpinning ideology of athleticism in the schools in the years that followed. Old Boys from different schools met at universities. The athletics amongst them no doubt discussed practices and philosophies of games employed at their schools. For instance, Henry Reade discussed the organization of games and acted on these discussions both to aid his university(Oxford) and his school(Tonbridge). The universities provided the philosophy of games and contributed to the organization and codification of games such as football and rowing.
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A study on YulKok's View on the Nourishing Vitality 인문 · 사회과학편 : 율곡철학(栗谷哲學)의 양생사상에(養生思想)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
34(3) 21-34, 1995
A study on YulKok's View on the Nourishing Vitality 인문 · 사회과학편 : 율곡철학(栗谷哲學)의 양생사상에(養生思想)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study to search in YulGok’s view on the concept of Nourishing Vitality according to the his previous letter. So, we can find out YulGok’s view of Nourishing Vitality such like a disease, the cause of disease, prevention and treatment. The result are as follows;
1. A disease in thought of YulGok made clear as a the name of disease such like. Gastroenteric trouble and congestion of the brain and YulGok felt a pain due to many disease in his life. So, he bring foreword many tenders when take a government post from 29 years till 49 years during taken a government post. But, like that cause of many tender was become thought because not physical constitutional tendencies to disease but he doesn’t accomplishment his objects.
2. The cause of disease in thought of YulGok regarded as taken a disease because ki became weakness. that is, body had not a get well. He regarded as prevention which became protection from disease and growth of virture. due to vitality defer to The idea of Ji-Ki, Also, Treatment means both growth of spirit and control of food.
3. YulGok emphasized health seeking as the harmony of ji-Ki and vitality is his view of care of health.
In his view of care of health. He believed that if we control of spirit, regulate one’s desires, control of food, and grow up Ki as I, we become care of health. That is will be grow up the natural greatness of soul.
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A Study on the Meaning of Rousseau's Naturalism for Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : ROUSSEAU의 자연주의(自然主義) 체육사상(體育思想)
34(3) 35-45, 1995
A Study on the Meaning of Rousseau's Naturalism for Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : ROUSSEAU의 자연주의(自然主義) 체육사상(體育思想)
The philosophy of naturalism has significant relation to education and J. J. Rousseau is a representative of naturalism. This study was based on his writings, Emile, and it contains J. J. Rousseau’s thought of education and physical education. As a result of this study the following conclusions are summerized:
1. J. J. Rousseau’s thought of education became the basement of the formation of the democracy and the new education in the twentieth century. It also had an direct effect on the thought of education of pestalozzi and Phianthropismus and Dewey’s progressivism.
2. J. J. Rousseau’s thought of physical education divided human developmental stage in to five stage (i. e, Animal stage, Savage stage, Pastoral stage, Social stage, Adult stage) and he placed emphasis on the need of adeguate physical activity according to developmental stage and the value and role of physical education as education. J. J. Rousseau’s objective of physical education is the completion of the health body and tough physical fitness.
3. His view of health had an emphasis on the spontaneous, free physical activity of children and he emphasized that the fresh air and nourishment and the sleep after exercise and fatigue need for health. He also placed emphasis on the need of play and recreation and the fact that the sight clothes to the body is harmful to growth development.
4. His view of body is based on the dualism of body and mind and the body and mind are not constrative subjects but reciprocal ones.
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The Effects of Socio - demographic Attributes and Sport Socializing Agents on Involvement of Golf in Adult 인문 · 사회과학편 : 골프 참여자의 사회인구학적 특성과 스포츠 사회화 주관자에 관한 연구
34(3) 46-55, 1995
The Effects of Socio - demographic Attributes and Sport Socializing Agents on Involvement of Golf in Adult 인문 · 사회과학편 : 골프 참여자의 사회인구학적 특성과 스포츠 사회화 주관자에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of socio-demographic attributes(sex, age, occupation, educational level, income, marital status, sport aptitude), sport socializing agents (siblings, spouse, peers, school teacher)on involvement of golf in adult.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed-alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variables. The inventory was administered to three hundred and five male and female adults. Data analysis used in this study were utilized Pearson Correlation, and stepwise multiple regression.
Based upon the result of study, the following six conclusions appear warranted.
1. Socio-demographic attributes influencing frequency of participation in golf are sport aptitude, age.
2. Socio-demographic attributes influencing intensity of participation in golf are marital status, age, sport aptitude.
3. Socio-demographic attributes influencing duration of participation in golf are marital socio-economic status, age.
4. The Characteristics of socializing agents influencing frequency of participation in golf are siblings’s, teachers’s and peers’s interest and involvement in golf, encouragement to paticipate in golf.
5. The Characteristics of socializing agents influencing intensity of participation in golf is spouse’s and peers’s interest and involvement in golf, encouragement to participate in golf.
6. The Characteristics of socializing agents influencing duration of participation in golf are siblings’s and teachers’s interest and involvement in golf, encouragement to participate in golf.
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The Relationship between Type of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여가활동 유형과 여가만족의 관계
임번장BurnJangLim , 정영린YoungLinChung
34(3) 56-69, 1995
The Relationship between Type of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여가활동 유형과 여가만족의 관계
임번장BurnJangLim , 정영린YoungLinChung
The purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the relationship between type of leisure activity and leisure satisfaction. More specipically, this study was to examine the influence of the type of leisure activity on leisure satisfaction by comparing the difference of psychological, educational, social, relaxational, physiological, and enviornmental satisfaction.
Subjects of this study were sampled from 442 out of 630 survey samples which the Research Institute of Physical Education, Seoul National University requested the Korea Gallup Polls Ltd, to sample in seoul city, by the multi-stage stratified random sampling.
Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA).
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, the type of leisure activity has a influence on the psychological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in the psychological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activity is the highest.
Second, the type of leisure activity has a influence on the educational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in educational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activity is the highest.
Third, the type of leisure activity has a influence on the social satisfaction. That is, there is difference in social satisfaction according to the type of the leisure activity, and sport activity is the highest.
Forth, the type of leisure activity has a influence on the relaxational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in relaxational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activity is the highest.
Fifth, the type of leisure activity has a influence on the physiological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in physiological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activity is the highest.
Sixth, the type of leisure activity has no influence on the enviornmental satisfaction.
That is, there is no difference in enviornmental satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity.
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Analysis of the Types of Participation in Leisure According to the Periods of Life 인문 · 사회과학편 : 생애주기에 따른 여가참여 유형 분석
김종환JongWhanKim , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
34(3) 70-83, 1995
Analysis of the Types of Participation in Leisure According to the Periods of Life 인문 · 사회과학편 : 생애주기에 따른 여가참여 유형 분석
김종환JongWhanKim , 임태성TaeSeoungLim
The purpose of this research is to positively examine the types of participation in leisure according to the periods of life by analyzing the levels of participation in leisure according to the periods of life.
1. The Levels of Participation in Leisure According to the Periods of Life
The levels, types and kinds of participation in leisure according to the periods of life, namely, childhood, early manhood, the first, the second, and the third periods of mid-manhood, and post-manhood, were various as follows:
1) The Levels of Participation: The latter the period came, the lower the level of participation in leisure was.
2) The Types of Participation Activities: In all periods the levels of participation in sports and health activities were the highest, and after them hobbies and cultural activities. The participation in pleasure and inspection activities was low.
3) The Kinds of Participation Activities
(1) Sports and Health Activities: In all periods the levels of participation in jogging, walking, free gymnastics, and rope skipping were the highest. Also the latter the period of life came, the higher the level of participation was in badminton and mountain-climbing than in bowling.
(2) Hobbies and Cultural Activities: The latter the period of life came, the higher the level of participation was in cooking and gardening than in reading, using a library, palying the instruments, and singing a song.
(3) Appreciation and Inspection Activities: In all periods the levels of participation in watching TV and listening to the radio were the highest. The level of participation in listening to music was the highest in childhood and early manhood.
(4) Recreation and Social Activities: In all periods the levels of participation in visiting friends or relatives, eating out with family, and going out were the highest. The gradual shifting from the early to the latter periods showed the higher level of participation in social group acitivities such as club activities, all sports of training, alumni associations, and reunions than in electronic games and all sports of play.
(5) Pleasure and Sight-Seeing Activities: In all periods the levels of participation in picnicking and going to the play space and the park were the highest. In mid-manhood period, the level of participation in driving was high.
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A Study on Leisure Activities of Elite Athletes 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 엘리트 선수의 여가 활동에 관한 연구
34(3) 85-98, 1995
A Study on Leisure Activities of Elite Athletes 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 엘리트 선수의 여가 활동에 관한 연구
This study is to investigate on the response concerning leisure hour activities of elite athletes. Respondents of the questionnaire for this research were 93 national athletes in athletes village. And the results are as follows :
For the question about the necessity of leisure activities, 88.8% out of total 93 subjects answered “necessary”, 3.3% “not necessary”. As for the reason for the necessity of leisure activities, they said “to purify their emotions’(50.6%), “to be settlement of stress”(31.8%). Also, for a leisure time on sunday and holiday, 41.3% “7 hours”, 18.5% “5-7 hours”, 17.4% “3-5 hours”, is has turned out the member of athletes selected 7 hours is largest.
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Analysis of Structure on the Politicization of Olympic Games under the socialogical Viewpoint 인문 · 사회과학편 : 올림픽의 정치화에 관한 연구
34(3) 99-113, 1995
Analysis of Structure on the Politicization of Olympic Games under the socialogical Viewpoint 인문 · 사회과학편 : 올림픽의 정치화에 관한 연구
Modern Olympic Games aims basically at to increase the international respect and friendship, furthermore, to help to construct more peaceful world in the Dignity of Man. But this Idea was never realized up to now. Man can say, that History of Olympic stand constantly in the Centrum of the political conflict. Nationalism, Commercialism, Win-oriented thought and corrupt Bureaucratism as political Motive have accelerated the Games to the Politicization. Man has observed historically, that the Politicization violate considerably the Ideal of the Games.
In this Paper is analyzed the Politicization of the Games with functional and conflictive theory under the sociological Viewpoint:
At the functional Point of view is emphasized the positive Influencing of political operation to the Games through the theoretical character self’s.
On the other side analyses the conflictive theory the political problems about the Games at the sight of confliction, From this theory is established the Process of the Politicization of the Games. and the political result.
We must have responsibility to hand down the peaceful World for the future descendent
Under the Hypothesis, that the Games contribute reasonably to world-peace, international friendship, must develop we the Games. In this Context can suggest man a few references to decrease to the political Influence: Reduce the size of the Games, multiple Olympic Games site, reduce excessive nationalism, reform the IOC, create a single, permanent site for the Games and so on.
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The effect on the productivity increase through Recreation Activities in Company 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 기업에 있어서 Recreation 활동이 생산성 향상에 미치는 영향
이준수 , 오일영
34(3) 114-126, 1995
The effect on the productivity increase through Recreation Activities in Company 인문 · 사회과학 편 : 기업에 있어서 Recreation 활동이 생산성 향상에 미치는 영향
이준수 , 오일영
The purpose of this study was to examine closely the effect of recreation on increasing productivity in terms of the application to the field, to attain this purpose, 100 workers on day duty who work in K joint-stock company making electronic machine parts in Seoul, divided into two groups, participant and nonparticipant group in recreational program as object, and carried out the recreational program for two months.
The results of the analysis were as follows;
1. Participants and nonparticipants in the recreation program concerning participation labor productivity were significantly different, and participants in the recreational program had the higher productivity than nonparticipants. especially, after two-month in the recreation program concerning particition were most on the increased productivity effect, and productivity increasing was continued after ended recreation program.
2. Participants and nonparticipants in the recreation program with the distinction of sex concerning participation labor productivity were significantly different, and the productivity increased 9.59% in case of the man in the participants.
3. Participants and nonparticipants in the recreation program with a career concerning participation labor productivity were significantly defferent, and the more increasing carrier tended to the higher effect of productivity.
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A Study on the Effects of Social Facilitation and Social Comparison in Performance and Self-Confidence of Females' Male Oriented Motor Task 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여성의 남성지향적 운동수행시 수행능력과 자의식에 미치는 사회적 편의(便宜)와 비교(比較)에 관한 연구
34(3) 127-140, 1995
A Study on the Effects of Social Facilitation and Social Comparison in Performance and Self-Confidence of Females' Male Oriented Motor Task 인문 · 사회과학편 : 여성의 남성지향적 운동수행시 수행능력과 자의식에 미치는 사회적 편의(便宜)와 비교(比較)에 관한 연구
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A Study on Competitive State Anxiety and each event Performance among the countries during the Artistic Gymnastics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 기계체조 경기시 국가간 경쟁 상태불안과 종목별 기록에 관한 연구(Ⅰ)
34(3) 141-151, 1995
A Study on Competitive State Anxiety and each event Performance among the countries during the Artistic Gymnastics 인문 · 사회과학편 : 기계체조 경기시 국가간 경쟁 상태불안과 종목별 기록에 관한 연구(Ⅰ)
This study aimed at analyzing the competitive state anxiety and each event level during the artistic gymnastics and verifying the significance among the countries.
The subjects was twenty-eight players; 7 Korean players, 7 Japanese players, 7 Chinese players and 7 Kazakstan players. The tool of this measure was TGCSA(Test of Gymanstics’ Competitive State Anxiety)which was developed by Baik Dong ki(1994).
Before 30 minutes of the game, this test each translated in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Kazakstan was administered. With the Mean and standard diviation of the measured data and one-way Anova statistical significance is verified. If the significance was found out, Newman-Keuls was performed as the after verification.
The results were the followings.
1. In cognitive state anxiety, Chinese team(12.29) is lower than the other teams(Korea 20.00, Japan 24.29, Kazakstan 22.14).
2. In somatic state anxiety, There is no significant difference among the countries(Korea 13.43, China 11.14, Japan 17.86, Kazakstan 16.90)
3. In state self-confidence, Chinese team(35.29) is higher than the other teams(Korea 27.71, Japan 26.00, Kazakstan 27.86)
4. In Floor Exercise and Vault as Jump part, there is no difference(Korea 9.45, 9.40, China 9.38, 9.40, Japan 9.28, 9.31, Kazakstan 9.28, 9.26)
5. In Pommel Horse as support part, there is no difference among the countries(Korea 9.17, China 9.58, Japan 9.21, Kazakstan 9.24). but in Parallel Bars, Chinese team(9.74)is higher than the other teams(Korea 9.47, Japan 9.50, Kazakstan 9.15).
6. In Rings as Hold part, Korea(9.50)and China(9.40) teams are higher than Japan(9.28) and Kazakstan(9.05) teams. In Horizontal Bar. China team(9.60) is higher than the other teams (Korea 9.31, Japan 9.33, Kazakstan 8.93).
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Influence of Sport Participation on Worker's Attitude towards Work and its Determining Factors in Korea and Japan 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 활동(活動)이 근로자(勤勞者)의 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향(影響)과 스포츠 참가(參加)를 규정(規程)하는 요인(要因)에 관한 한(韓) · 일(日) 비교연구(比較硏究)
34(3) 152-164, 1995
Influence of Sport Participation on Worker's Attitude towards Work and its Determining Factors in Korea and Japan 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠 활동(活動)이 근로자(勤勞者)의 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향(影響)과 스포츠 참가(參加)를 규정(規程)하는 요인(要因)에 관한 한(韓) · 일(日) 비교연구(比較硏究)
Some problems of workers in the high-technology society have been studied above by analyzing, the way sports participation affected the workers attitude towards work in Korea and Japan. The factors that determined sports participation were also analyzed.
The attitude and behavioral pattern towards work of the sports group significantly differed from those of the non-sports group. The sports group had a more constructive attitude towards work. It was found that sport had a constructive significance for the workers. This constructive significance encourged the workers to make sport an integral part of their day-to-day life. The factors involved in sports participation were analyzed from this angle.
It was found that one’s awareness of the society and identifying one’s own status in the society were responsible for encouraging participation in sport.
Although much emphasis is laid on sport equipment, the basic fact remains that the way one takes sports is vitally important for intergratings in his day-to-day life.
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The type of KR - delay activity and its Effect on Motor Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과지식의 지연간격동안에 수행된 활동이 운동기술의 습득에 미치는 영향
고영규YoungGyuKo , 김승철SeungChulKim , 홍성욱SungWookHong
34(3) 165-174, 1995
The type of KR - delay activity and its Effect on Motor Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과지식의 지연간격동안에 수행된 활동이 운동기술의 습득에 미치는 영향
고영규YoungGyuKo , 김승철SeungChulKim , 홍성욱SungWookHong
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Effects of Post - KR Delay Interval on Motor Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과지식 후 지연간격이 운동학습에 미치는 영향
34(3) 175-180, 1995
Effects of Post - KR Delay Interval on Motor Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 결과지식 후 지연간격이 운동학습에 미치는 영향
The research examined closely the effects of motor learning according to post-KR delay interval 1, 5, 10, and 20 second.
The experiment used the linear positioning task that find goal point 35㎝, and the group wes stratified sampling. KR provided the quantitative KR in ward.
The result of post-KR delay interval study was not a meanful difference between 5, and 10 second’s group, nor was between 1, and 20 second’s group. And the effects of motor learning was 5, and 10 second’s group superior to 1, and 20 second’s group.
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A Content Analysis of Physical Education Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Teaching Effectiveness 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육교사의 수업지식과 교수 효율성에 관한 내용 분석
34(3) 181-191, 1995
A Content Analysis of Physical Education Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Teaching Effectiveness 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육교사의 수업지식과 교수 효율성에 관한 내용 분석
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Physical Education Teachers' Utilization Patterns of Textbook and teacher Resource Books 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중등 체육교사의 교과서 및 교사용지도서의 활용실태에 관한 심층적 연구
34(3) 192-203, 1995
Physical Education Teachers' Utilization Patterns of Textbook and teacher Resource Books 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중등 체육교사의 교과서 및 교사용지도서의 활용실태에 관한 심층적 연구
This study aimed at investigating Korean secondary school physical education teachers` utilization pattern of both textbooks and teacher resource books.
Data were gathered from two sources: a questionnaire survey of 654 physical education teachers and interviews of 24 additional teachers. The results can be summarized as follows:
1. About 24% of the subjects said that they had utilized textbooks "very frequently" or "frequently" when planning and teaching lessons: 38% said "rarely" or "very rarely". Junior high School teachers and large city teachers tended to use textbooks more frequently than high school teachers and rural area teachers, respectively.
2. The main reasons for using textbooks were the lack of other appropriate information sources and the national curriculum mandate. The contents and expertise level of textbooks were criticized by many respondents.
3. About 18.4% of the teachers said that they had utilized teacher resource books "very frequently" or "frequently" when planning and teaching lessons: 38.6% said "rarely" or "very rarely". Junior high school teachers and public school teachers tended to use teacher resource books more frequently than high school teachers and private school teachers, respectively.
4. Many subjects reported the lack of other appropriate information sources and easy availability as the main reasons for using teacher resource books.
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Effective Administration of Campus Sport Facility Based on Intramural Service System 인문 · 사회과학편 : 교내 자율활동 체계를 바탕으로 한 대학 스포츠시설의 합리적 운영 방안
34(3) 204-217, 1995
Effective Administration of Campus Sport Facility Based on Intramural Service System 인문 · 사회과학편 : 교내 자율활동 체계를 바탕으로 한 대학 스포츠시설의 합리적 운영 방안
The purpose of this study was to investigate sport facility administration within a university setting and to develop a proper model of effective facility management on the basis of the research findings. The research design for the dual purpose included both qualitative and quantitative methodology to make more comprehensive and meaningful interpretation The result of this study could be summed up in the following conclusive remarks :
1) Facility management of the sample university campus was put emphasis on curricular physical education and/or athletic programs. It was in this context that students had little chance for intramural.
2) Both on-campus and off-campus students of the sample university located in a good distance from metropolitans needed intramural sport activities and facilities seriously, Yet there were significant differences between two groups in activity time, priority, place, and the participation degree.
3) It was suggested that intramural service system start from area service to program service and information service.
And finally’ an IM manager position detached from the physical education department and from the athletic department at the organization level was recommended for rational management of campus sport facilities based on the IM system.
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Analysis of Pupil Motor Engagement Time in High School Physical Education Classes in Republic of Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국 고등학교 체육수업의 운동참여시간 분석
34(3) 218-230, 1995
Analysis of Pupil Motor Engagement Time in High School Physical Education Classes in Republic of Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국 고등학교 체육수업의 운동참여시간 분석
The primary purpose of this study was to describe how students spend their time in physical education classes in the Korean high schools. In particular, regard was paid to pupil Motor Engagement Time (MET), and an additional purpose of this study was to identify gender differences m MET according to grade levels.
In much of the literature it has been found that time-on-task variables bear a positive relation to student achievement. Pupil MET has been considered a key learning variable in effective teaching based on this positive relationship. However, this variable has not been investigated in any educational setting in the Korean high school. This study aims to remedy this situation by describing actual student behavior in physical education classes in the Korean high school.
Ten high schools in the Seoul metropolitan area and 30 physical education classes were observed and coded using videotapes. `The adapted BESTPED coding system was used in this study. It consists of nine behavioral categories, including MET categories-practice, game playing, and exercise. The quantitative and qualitative approaches used in this study are based on the research questions which this study is trying to answer. Quantitative` data were collected by using the five second interval coding techniques in thirty videotaped physical education classes. Qualitative data were collected through live observation, formal and informal interviews wit. 9 physical education teachers.
This study showed that the overall pupil MET in the sample classes was 32.3%. and the waiting time was 32.9% in the sample classes. The proportion of waiting time is very high. considering that such time is essentially wasted in physical education classes. A 2 × 3 Analysis of Variance: (ANOVA) showed significant (P<0.05) differences in MET between boys and girls. In addition, there was also a significant (P<0.05) mean difference in pupil MET scores among grade 1.0, grade 11, and grade 12.
Teaching style and teacher attitude contributed to a positive or negative levels of pupil MET in the Korean high school setting. In addition, facilities and student-teacher ration also influenced pupil MET in both negative and positive ways. Some of the key variables influencing waiting time included inadequate facilities and equipment, poor organizational skills, and large student -teacher ratio.
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Verifying Walking Efficiency by Oxygen Consumption during Different Walking Speeds 자연과학편 : 걷기시 산소소비량에 따른 효율성에 관한 연구
34(3) 233-247, 1995
Verifying Walking Efficiency by Oxygen Consumption during Different Walking Speeds 자연과학편 : 걷기시 산소소비량에 따른 효율성에 관한 연구
Previous research has suggested that an individual’s preferred walking speed is his or her most economical speed, therefore, speed of walking deviated further from the most economical speed. aerobic demand per unit distance is increased and a U-shape speed-aerobic curve could have been identified.
The purpose of this study was examined the existence of U-shape speed-aerobic demand curve during four different walking speeds including preferred walking speed, and whether other physiological variables and energy substrates changes can support the existence of U-shape speed-aerobic demand curve.
Five male university students, ages 21-26 yr, volunteered to serve as subjects. During the test, each subject was participated in four different walking speeds, preferred walking speed, -20%, -10%, and +20% of preferred walking speed.
Mean VO₂ expressed in ㎖/㎏/min for four different walking speeds are 10.72 ㎖/㎏/min, 12.07 ㎖/㎏/min, 13.83 ㎖/㎏/min and 14.93 ㎖/㎏/min in walking speed order. So it was found that there was linear relationship between walking speed and oxygen consumption. However, neither transformation of these data to the aerobic demand per unit distance covered displayed U-shape speed-aerobic demand curve, nor transformation to the aerobic demand per unit step showed U-shape speed-aerobic demand curve. Subject’s mean Borg’s 15 and 10 scale score at four different speeds showed the U-shape relationship. There was no significant difference in 15 scale score at four different walking speeds(p>0.05), but there was a significant difference in 10 scale score at four different walking speeds(p<0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that using the Borg’s 10 scale might be more appropriate than 15 scale, when choosing the appropriate scale in low intensity exercise such as this study. Blood glucose levels were maintained or little bit decreased after 20 min. of walking at four different walking speeds. All blood FFA levels were increased after 20 min. of walking at four different walking speeds. Blood lactate levels were decreased following 20 min. of walking at four different walking speeds. It was found that blood glucose, FFA, and lactate concentrations were significantly different in four different walking speeds. Using blood energy substrates change data might not be a good indicative resource, but no supportive evidence for existence of U-shape aerobic-speed demand curve was found. Therefore, it is concluded that economical U-shape aerobic-speed demand curve might not exist in everybody and it depends on person to person. Also, because of the linear relationship between walking speed and oxygen consumption, exercise time is provided, economical efficiency is disappeared.
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The Effect of Capsaicin on Energy Substrates Utilization at Rest and During Exercise in Rats 자연과학편 : Capsaicin의 투여가 안정시 및 운동시의 에너지 기질 이용에 미치는 영향
This study investigated the effect of capsaicin on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism at rest and during exercise in rats. Forty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained by treadmill running for 3 wk. On the final day of the experiment, the rats were divided into 5 groups: non-treatment, sedentary-control, sedentary-capsaicin, exercise-control, and exercise-capsaicin. Rats were kept sedentary or given a treadmill-running for 1 or 2 h after the intraperitoneally injection of capsaicin or vehicle. Plasma glucose concentration tended to be higher in exercise-capsaicin group than in exercise-control group, but no significant difference was found. In the plasma free fatty acid concentration and the glycogen levels in the liver and the soleus muscle, there was no significant capsaicin effect. The glycogen levels in the red and white gastrocnemius muscles tended to be higher in the capsaicin groups than in control groups, and this tendency wasy observed only in exercised groups at 2 h after the injection. The basal lipolysis in epididymal adipose tissue at 1 h after the injection was significantly higher in the exercise-capsaicin group than in the exercise-control group. These results indicate that capsaicin might have a glycogen-sparing effect to promote the utilization of lipid from adipose tissue during exercise and that the effect of capsaicin during exercise seems to be different from those at rest.
Key Words
capsaicin, exercise, lipolysis, glycogen, and energy substrate utilization
Effects of rapid weight reduction on the plasma and urine minerals in college wrestlers
She Whan Kim
34(3) 257-269, 1995
Effects of rapid weight reduction on the plasma and urine minerals in college wrestlers
She Whan Kim
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자연과학편 : 야구선수들의 무산소 파워와 피칭속도의 관계
34(3) 270-275, 1995
자연과학편 : 야구선수들의 무산소 파워와 피칭속도의 관계
The purpose of this study is finding the approach method in exercise of physiology by measures of anaerobic power, lean body weight, flexibility, and velocity of pitching for baseball athletes. The results are followings:
1. There is no significant difference for two groups between anaerobic power(AP) and lean body weight of mean and standard deviation.
2. There is no significant difference for two groups among lean body weight, flexibility, and velocity of pitching (VP).
3. There is only significant relationship between anaerobic power and velocity of pitching(r=0.561).
4. The regression formula for velocity of pitching as dependant variable is following: Y(VP0=99.45627+0.02716 (AP)
The result of this study indicates that anaerobic training is main effect of increasing velocity of pitching. Therefore, anaerobic power is considered important factor planning the training program.
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Effect on the Exercise Training on aging atrophy in rat skeletal muscle - Ⅰ. Long Term Endurance Exercise - 자연과학편 : 흰쥐 골격근의 노화성 위축에 대한 운동훈련의 영향 - Ⅰ. 장기간 지구력 운동훈련 -
박승한 , 박원학 , 이용덕
34(3) 276-299, 1995
Effect on the Exercise Training on aging atrophy in rat skeletal muscle - Ⅰ. Long Term Endurance Exercise - 자연과학편 : 흰쥐 골격근의 노화성 위축에 대한 운동훈련의 영향 - Ⅰ. 장기간 지구력 운동훈련 -
박승한 , 박원학 , 이용덕
This experiments were designed to study effect of long term endurance exercise training on aging atrophy in rat skeletal muscle. Male rats of 8, 15, and 24 month old were used. Each age groups included control and endurance exercise training for 5 months by using motor driven treadmill. The histo- and cytochemical, ultrastructural and stereological changes in aging skeletal muscles of the rat were studied.
During the training period the body weight in all groups and muscular weight in the 24 month old group were reduced, but muscular weights remained constant in 8 and 15 month old age groups. The volume density of muscle fiber type IIC and IIB were increased, that of type IIA was decreased. but type I remained constant in all groups. Age associated histo-and ultrastructural charges include: an increase in vacuole, lysosome, lipofuscin, and irregularity of myofibrils. At 24 months some instance of unusual formation of contraction band and muscle splitting were encounted. After treadmill exercise training, These changes and contents were remarkably increased in comparison with the control groups. But, number of the mitochondria was increased. It`s discussed that muscle fiber degenerations synchronize with regenerations. The activities of Mg++-ATPase and succinate dehydrogenase decreased with age, and these enzyme activities with training were significantly decreased with age. But, activities of the acid phosphatase were increased with age and training. Stereological changes were not observed in the volume density of myofibrils and tubular system. But, there was increase in mitochondrial capacity.
These data indicated that old animals are not so adaptable to endurance training as young animals. Therefore, their physical capacity must be considered when old animals are trained.
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The Effects of Basket Ball Performance on the Third Metacarpal Bone 자연과학편 : 농구(籠球) 운동수행(運動修行)이 3번(番) 중수골(中手骨) 형태(形態) 성장(成長)에 미치는 영향(影響)
34(3) 300-308, 1995
The Effects of Basket Ball Performance on the Third Metacarpal Bone 자연과학편 : 농구(籠球) 운동수행(運動修行)이 3번(番) 중수골(中手骨) 형태(形態) 성장(成長)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to measurement the change of third metacarpal bone between general high school student and basket ball player. Two group take an accurate measure proximal end, distal end, shaft of third metacarpal bone.
Following conclusions were obtains :
1. The proximal end and shaft has change of size between general high school student and basket ball player from career of three years.
2. The distal end has change of size between general high school student and basket ball player from career of two years.
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The Effects of Intensity of Aerobic Exercise on Excess Post - exercise Oxygen Consumption 자연과학편 : 유산소운동의 운동 강도가 운동후 초과산소소비량에 미치는 영향
34(3) 309-316, 1995
The Effects of Intensity of Aerobic Exercise on Excess Post - exercise Oxygen Consumption 자연과학편 : 유산소운동의 운동 강도가 운동후 초과산소소비량에 미치는 영향
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A Change of Enzymatic Blood Component in Time Course after Submaximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대하 운동부하시 및 회복기 혈액성분과 전해질의 시간 경과적 변화
34(3) 317-325, 1995
A Change of Enzymatic Blood Component in Time Course after Submaximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대하 운동부하시 및 회복기 혈액성분과 전해질의 시간 경과적 변화
The study was designed to investigate the change of enzymatic blood component in time course during submaximal exercise.
The subjects were asigned two groups, exercise group(N=14) and sedentary group(N=14) and asked to perform incremental maximal ergometer exercise test and 40 min-submaximal exercise at fixed load compromised to each subject’s 70% V˙O₂max. All subjects were warm up with 50rpm at 50 watt for 3 minutes and thereafter the work rate was gradually increased 20 watt every 1 minute untill each individual’s target heart rates.
Blood samples during submaximal exercise were taken from antecubital vein five times(pre, l0min, 20min, post-exercise, post 30min)
On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, the conclusion could be drawn as follows :
1) Blood lactate was significant increased in sedentary group than that of exercise group. There were significant differences after 40 minute between two groups(p<0.05).
2) Serum CPK was significant increased in sedentary group than that of exercise group. There was significant differences after 40 minutes and recovery 30min between two groups.
3) Serum LDH was significant increased in sedentary group than that of exercise group. There was no significant differences between two group(exercise group, sedentary group).
4) Serum LDH isoenzyme(H-type) was decreased after 10 minute training and maintained through out the entire experimental period, while M-type was significantly increased in sedentary group than in exercise group. LDH H/M type ratio was showed lasting decrease in sedentary group than that of exercise group.
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Development of Module for Reducing Middle School Student's Obesity 자연과학편 : 비만 중학생의 체질개선을 위한 Module 개발에 관한 연구
34(3) 326-338, 1995
Development of Module for Reducing Middle School Student's Obesity 자연과학편 : 비만 중학생의 체질개선을 위한 Module 개발에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of the developed information for obesity.
Treatment (Module) exposed to the experimental groups (10 obese boys and 10 obese girls) on their fat reduction attitudes, and practices.
The 40 obese middle school students were employed for Needs assessment, which was applied to the PRECEDE model for analyzing factors influencing the obese students, resulting in the production of the module for in struction to the experimental groups.
As the results of the data, the conclusions were as follows :
1. The changes of body weight by applying the program showed more statistically significant decrease in the experimental groups then that in the control groups:
2. The groups applied with the module demonstrated the various effects telated to the amounts of Triglycerides(T, G). HDL-C, T. C., Serum glucose concentration, and hypertension. The amounts of T. G and HDL-C in the experimental groups showed statistically significant increases more than those of the control groups, but the those of T. C and serum glucose concentration were more significant increases than those in the control groups.
3. There was the improvement pertaining to the hypertension in the experimental groups, however, no statistically significant differences between the experimental groups and the control groups.
4. The results of study related the levers of knowledge, attitudes and practices showed significantly a higher levels of them in the experimental groups than a levels of them, in the control groups.
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The Effect of the Approach and Take - off Motion on the Jump - Height in Volleyball Spike 자연과학편 : 배구 스파이크의 도움닫기와 발구름 동작이 도약높이에 미치는 영향
박홍균HongKyunPark , 김승권SeungKwonKim
34(3) 339-353, 1995
The Effect of the Approach and Take - off Motion on the Jump - Height in Volleyball Spike 자연과학편 : 배구 스파이크의 도움닫기와 발구름 동작이 도약높이에 미치는 영향
박홍균HongKyunPark , 김승권SeungKwonKim
A kinematic analysis of the approach and take-off motion in volleyball spike was done using three-dimensional high speed cinematography. Twelve high-class collegiate male volleyball players were involved in the data gathering process. Two cameras were utilized for filming three trials of each subject’s spike movements with the filming rate of 100 frames per second. Digitized raw data were smoothed using the digital filtering method with 8 Hz of cut-off frequency. DLT(Direct Linear Transformation) method were applied to convert the two-dimensional data to three-dimensional ones. An interpolation method of Cubic Spline Function was also used to synchronize the two separate two-dimensional data. The calculated kinematic variables of volleyball spike were descriptively analyzed. The correlation between those variables and jumping height and vertical velocity of the total body center of gravity(CG) were analyzed.
Based on the results and discussion presented in the preceding chapter, the following conclusions were drawn :
1) The stride before the take-off was found to be shorter than that in the high jump motion, and this is thought to be due to the ‘power flop’ action which is important in the vertical jump.
2) The displacement of the CG during the volleyball spike was similar to that of the high jump.
3) It is essential to practice concentric contraction training to maximize the efficiency of converting the horizontal running momentum to the vertical jumping velocity.
4) The angular displacement of the left knee joint was continuously increased from touch down to take-off, while that of the right knee joint increased just before the take-off moment. This might indicate that the concentric contraction of the left leg more critically affects the jumping speed and the height.
5) Since the contribution of the upper extremities to the vertical velocity is pretty high, the skill of controlling upper arms in the volleyball spike movement is very important.
6) It is thought that the decrease in the horizontal velocity during the take-off is mainly due to the concentric contraction of the left leg.
7) The short take-off time, and the smaller right foot angle and the angle of the knee joint in touch down seem to increase the jumping height.
For the letter and sound results, the following factors are recommended to the further researches: more subjects, actual competing situation, kinetic data.
Kinetic analysis of Salto bwd to handst on the parllel bar 자연과학편 : 평행봉의 뒤공중돌아 물구나무서기 동작분석
이용식YoungSikLee , 이정식JeoungSikLee
34(3) 354-362, 1995
Kinetic analysis of Salto bwd to handst on the parllel bar 자연과학편 : 평행봉의 뒤공중돌아 물구나무서기 동작분석
이용식YoungSikLee , 이정식JeoungSikLee
We tried to survey four good gymnast to investigate the kinetic variants in the backward rotation handstand which did not take higher difficult portion in parallel bar, but needed soft motion.
By those survey, we acquired some data which could be used for enhancement factors to raise up sports ability.
1. Performance ability could not assessed by the time of total motion. But first starting motion of circling with hip, had impressed on the time and ability of motion which composed of phase 2, 3, 4, 5 steps.
2. In down swing motion of backward rotation backstand, it could make possible to increase the rotation power. Because it might maintain the rapid velocity even in phase 2 or 3 step of aerial movement and bar - gripping movement.
3. Great angle change of hip joint might cause to increase the hight of hip joint and the rotation power of ankle joint in the state of backward rotation handstand.
4. Exessive rapidity of ankle joint had influenced on the bar - gripping posture badly in the state of backward rotation handstand.
5. Exessive progress of shoulder joint could passed the adequate time of waist movement in third step, so hindered to raise up the ankle joint in fourth step.
6. In fourth step when the hand freed from the bar, intense flection of knee joint could hindered the increase of rotation.
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자연과학편 : 한국 여자 유도 우수선수들의 주득점 기술에 관한 역학적 분석
34(3) 363-372, 1995
자연과학편 : 한국 여자 유도 우수선수들의 주득점 기술에 관한 역학적 분석
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Development of evaluation criterion on physical fitness for healthy adults 자연과학편 : 건강한 성인(成人)의 체력 평가기준
The purpose of this study was the evaluation of adult physical fitness and the establishment of evaluation criterion for healthy adults. Healthy 845 male and 645 female subjects, who participated in general physical fitness test and physical examination in the Sports Science Institute of Taegu Yu-Sung Sports plaza, were assigned to one of four groups: 1) men under 40 years old(MU); 2) men over 40 years old(MO); 3) women under 40 years old(WU); or 4) Women over 40 years old (WO). Height and body weight were measured and ten test items for the physical fitness were determined. The correlation matrix was made from 10 variables for physical fitness. The principal component analysis was applied to the correlation matrix to yield the unrotated factor pattern matrix. The rotation of factor axis through Normal Varimax Criterion was executed in order to yield the simple structure of factors. Consequently, the orthogonal multi-factor solution was yielded and the factors were identified. therefore, the regression equation and the test battery were made from factor analysis and the evaluation criterion for test battery was developed.
The results of this study were summarized as follows ;
1. MO body weight and WO trunk flexion were slightly reduced in comparison to MU body weight and WU trunk flexion, respectively, but the difference were not statistically significant at 0.05 level. Expect these items, the results of the other physical fitness test were significantly lower in MO and WO groups than in MU and WU groups.
2. The results of trunk extension and reaction time were not significantly different between male and female groups, but the results of trunk flexion in female groups were significantly greater than those in male groups. Expect these items, the results of the others were significantly greater in male groups than in female groups.
3. The physical fitness of healthy adults consists of the five factors: 1) cardiovascular endurance, 2) agility(balance-agility in MO), 3) flexibility, 4) balance(power in WL;), and 5) strength (power-static strength in MO).
4. In order to measure the extracted and identified factors, the regression equation of each factors was yielded. It was complicate to understand this regression equation which consisted of the standard score, therefore, the mean and standard deviation produced from the raw score were applied to the equation in order to represent the variable score.
5. The test battery consists of maximal oxygen consumption, reaction time, trunk flexion, closed eye balance, and back strength. Because the relationships between these test items were very poor, the each variable score was strongly reliable for the representative of each physical fitness area.
6. Physical fitness was diagnosed from the test battery for each group. The score criterion by C-scale was established and the evaluation scale for total score consists of the 5 levels.
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Application of the Conjoint Analysis Techniques for Physical Education Research 자연과학편 : 체육학 연구를 위한 컨조인트 분석기법의 적용
34(3) 391-400, 1995
Application of the Conjoint Analysis Techniques for Physical Education Research 자연과학편 : 체육학 연구를 위한 컨조인트 분석기법의 적용
The purpose of this study was to introduce conjoint analysis techniques for useful basic data in PE settings and for various research method and to suggest a best model and a ideal model for the management of bowling center. The data was obtained from 294 users of bowling center to develop a ideal and a best combination using blocked random sampling of fractional factorial design.
The results were as follow. First, a ideal and a best combination were proposed through a series of the conjoint analysis that analyze the goodness, difference of utility value, relative importance of each attribute. Second, it was demonstrated that the conjoint analysis may be used in PE research including organization of each kind of PE facilities or development of instruction model and training program. This study suggested that it is time researchers in PE to consider various research methods, such as the conjoint analysis that has been used in the management and industrial area, to apply for sport management setting.